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OFET was honored with 6 awards and Honors to the Managing Authority as part of the BEST IN PHARMACY 2019 event, organized by the Pharmaceutical World and the Boussias Communications Group on Monday, 15/7/2019. The event rewarded the best business practices in the business and pharmaceutical sectors. In particular, Group Ceo Mrs. Julia Tseti and Group CFO Mrs. Irene Tseti...
Read MoreAnother important award was received by OFET Group, Tsetis, at the DIAMONDS OF THE GREEK ECONOMY 2019, organized by New Times Publishing on Wednesday 10/7/2019. The Group was rewarded for its performance in the Economy and Sustainable Development, with a worth mentioning augmentation of job offerings, extroversion, investment, responsible sustainability and ethics. The...
Read MoreThe Group of Tsetis Pharmaceutical Companies of Tseti (OFET), awarded at the Health & Safety Awards Ceremony organized by the Boussias Communications Group, on Tuesday 27 March 2019. In particular, the Group distinguished: In the section: Activities at Facilities and Activities at Work Establishments, with Silver Award for UNI-PHARMA's new modern Bioclimatic...
Read MoreUni-pharma & InterMed, once again glowed during the Best in Pharmacy 2018 Award Ceremony, winning a total of three - Gold, Silver and Bronze awards- for the high quality products but also their social responsibility. In detail, the distinctions received by the Uni-pharma & InterMed pharmaceutical companies are the following: Bronze for the best pharmacy product...
Read MoreIn a congested room of politicians, entrepreneurs and journalists, on Tuesday the 3rd of July, at the Hotel Grande Bretagne, Intermed_SA was awarde as the "diamond" of the Greek Economy at the awards of Business Excellence "Diamonds of Greek Economy 2018", that were organised by the NewTimes Publishing, under the aegis of SEV. Durind the event, many greek companies, that...
Read MoreGolden Award for Responsible and Ethical Business in accordance with the Responsible Management Excellence Model was received by the pharmaceutical company InterMed, member of the Pharmaceutical Enterprises Group, O.F.E.T, on Tuesday, July 3 2018. This is another important distinction that underlines the company's commitment to Ethics, Social Responsibility and...
Read MoreThe 45th Panhellenic Conference on Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes was conducted by the presence of the majority of endocrinologists and its rich content. Intermed has attended the successful conference, which was held on 9-12 May 2018 at Makedonia Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki.
Read MoreThe Award for Excellence and Competitiveness in Healthcare - Medicine - Beauty was given for another year to Tsetis Pharmaceutical Group and more specifically to InterMed Pharmaceutical Industry at the established awards Salus Index 2017. With this award, the healthy growth and innovation model followed by InterMed is sealed in Greece and abroad, based on its scientific...
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